Zendesk hires Lotus Themes for their help center customization. View case studies

New request page

Our themes can display a message with guidance on how to fill out the request form correctly.

A tip can provide essential guidance to users, helping them understand what information they need to include in their request. This clarity can lead to more detailed and accurate requests, which, in turn, facilitates a smoother resolution process.

To add a tip to the new request page

  1. In the Zendesk Guide, click the Customize design icon in the sidebar.
  2. Click Customize on the theme you want to edit.
  3. In the Settings panel, select New request elements.
  4. Select a preferred layout option for categories/sections.
  5. Click the Publish button to save the changes.
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In the meantime, you may look at the examples of Zendesk help centers we customized.

Bonus: We’ve emailed you “Zendesk Help Center Best Practices from CX Leaders”

Get a Personalized Solution for Your Help Center

Answer 7 questions and get an exact quote. It will take 2-3 minutes, and you'll get a custom help center solution that solves your business problems.

Bonus: Get a compilation of Help Center Best Practices from CX Leaders

What is your Help Center URL, if you have one?

Where can we find your website? *

Add a link to your mockup if you have it.

What problems do you want to solve with the help center?

The better you describe your current situation, the more personalized solution we’ll offer you.

What is important to you in this help center project?

Please describe what is important to you to make a decision (except the price).

Which of our themes would suit your brand best?

Choose as many themes as you like. You may skip the question if you aren’t sure.

What is your budget range for this project?

The higher the budget is, the more customized your help center can be. Lower budgets allow you to get more standard changes.

Enter your corporate email to get your personalized solution and quote

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