This glossary describes key terminology about the most common blocks in our themes. It's a good place to learn how to use your Lotus theme.
Articles Boxes
Static links with icons on the article page to any pages you want. You can link those blocks to any pages you want. It could be a page on your main website or a category/section/article of your Help Center.
Category/Section Boxes
Links to categories or sections are displayed as large boxes, usually with a solid background color.
Category Tree
A sequential grouping of articles and sections into categories. A hierarchy is being created, which helps the user navigate from bigger groups (categories) to smaller ones (sections and articles).
Contact Boxes
Static links with icons at the bottom of the home page. You can link those blocks to any pages you want. It could be a page on your main website or a category/section/article of your Help Center.
Custom Blocks
Static links with icons on the home page to any pages you want. It could be a page on your main website or a category/section/article of your Help Center.
Hero Unit
A large visual element with a background is meant to grab attention and showcase key content. It usually contains a search bar. The background can be an image or a block of color.
Info Block
Provides contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with a handful of available and flexible messages.
Promoted Articles
Articles in your help center you want to draw attention to. When you promote an article, it moves to the top of the articles list within its section and has a star beside it.
Promoted articles always appear at the top of the section, regardless of the sorting option chosen. Promoted articles might also appear by default on the home page, depending on your theme.